Friday, June 4, 2010

Just need to jot this down before I forget.

Carson just gets cuter and funnier by the day. I wrote this down and need to blog it before I forget since it's the only place I keep track of stuff these days.

Last Sunday when we woke up I was super tired from being in the ER the night before with Tyler (that's for another post).

Carson: "mommy, you go back to bed and I will watch Tyler for you. Is that a good idea?"
Me: "no honey, you can't really keep track of him since you are too busy with your matchbox cars."
Carson: "oh yeah. but please mommy, just let me try. I will be very carefully."
Me: "give me a hug. you are just too cute."
Carson: looks down at his jammies and points to them saying "no mommy, you see these words? this says no hugs for big people, only lily, cati, and tyler. see it says it right there."
Me: "well I'm the mommy and you do as I say" as I grabbed him and squeezed him tight as he screamed and kicked his way free. Sigh.

I just love this kid. Melt.


Sarah said...

Such a sweet and creative boy :)

Mandy said...

What a little sweetie!!! Carson is such a good big brother!