Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My boys. I love them so.

We have the best time on the way home from school every day and Carson and I used to spend this quality time catching up on our day since once we get home it's all about daddy. But lately it's getting more challenging since Tyler is now in a convertible carseat since he outgrew his infant seat and their seats are right next to each other since my LATCH system is situated so that one seat it off center and one is next to the window - totally does not make sense at all.

Anyway, now that they are so close to each other Tyler likes to play games with Carson. You would think it would be the other way around but Tyler just laughs and throws his paci and lovey and makes Carson fetch them and if he doesn't he screeches so loud until he does!! Carson sings songs and makes Tyler laugh and I just love seeing them engage with each other. I have to cherish these moments now since in a few short months they will be fist fighting, right?!

So as we approached the house yesterday Carson says "mommy can I have a pet dinosaur?" and I replied with "I don't think dinos are alive anymore Carson" and he proceeds with "yes they are mommy and I would like a red one puhlllleasseeeeeeeeeeeee can I?" and he is dead serious. I felt so bad that I had to let my innocent 3 year old down to tell him they are extinct so I told him to go ask daddy. LOL!! The joys of parenthood.

1 comment:

Kate said...

cute!!! The interactions are the best!!