Friday, June 11, 2010

cars, cars, cars, and more cars.

I guess this is going to be my life so I may as well get used to it since I live with 3 males and the leader of the pack is obsessed with cars himself. {insert eye roll here}

All 3 so excited over cars. They were actually looking for the Porsche with shiny wheels and I think daddy was more upset than Carson that it was lost. I found it about an hour later of course and have been declared "the best finder ever!!"

Here's an example of the number of matchbox cars we own....this is what is downstairs.....

Just so you can see how deep it is....


Anni said...

AHHH!! Emerick is also OBSESSED with cars. That is all he does all day long. Even real life cars make him crazy. We have an equal amount of cars stored in a bin as well!

AND....James gets REALLY upset if he notices that one of his cars has gone missing. I am pretty sure he knows all of the cars Emerick owns off the top of his head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate said...

Lol. hear ya loud and clear!!!

Carla said...

Connor loves his cars and they are all over the place!I definitely know how you feel!