Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Top Banana.

Carson's class theme is monkeys and prior to him being in this room he used to call it 'the monkey room' and now he's so proud to be one of them! Each week a child is selected to be "Top Banana" and last week was Carson's turn. The teacher sends home a sheet that we need to complete which is basically an interview with him. They also ask for you to work with your child to select their favorite photos to showcase and he gets to bring in his favorite book. Only he couldn't just pick 1 book, he brought in 3. I wonder how may times that has happened!

So I got out our external drive where I save all of our photos and we took a trip down memory lane. I let him select his favorite 5-6 pics. I think it was actually way more fun for me than him getting to look back on 4 years worth of photos and reminded me I need to do it more often.

Here is a photo of the bulletin board with his spread of pics and his interview sheet. I know you can't read it so here were his answers, and I promise these were ALL from him and completely unprompted....even the one about mommy (melt!).

My favorite color is - brown
My favorite book is - my 3 Curious George books from my cousins
My favorite movie is - The Bee Movie
My favorite sport is - soccer
When I grow up I want to be a - police man, no wait...I actually want to be Ray Rice!
I'm special because - my mommy loves me
I was born in the state of - Maryland
My favorite food is - pizza
I have a pet - NO!
The person I most admirer is - my baby (he calls Tyler his baby. This made my heart melt too.)
My favorite school subject is - housekeeping
My brother's name is - Tyler
My sister's name is - I don't have one of those.

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