Friday, April 22, 2011

The other apple doesn't fall far from the tree either.

Anyone that knows us knows that we are very organized and neat, and we really hate clutter! I posted back when Carson was around 23 months old that he was showing signs of neatness (you can read the blog post here).

Well today after Dan got the kids in the car I looked over and saw that Tyler had lined up all the ride on toys along the fireplace. He had been playing with them all but I wasn't paying much attention to what he was actually doing with them since I was too busy trying to get out the door for work.

This makes me so happy and that probably sounds crazy but who wouldn't love a neat child?!


Marcia said...

Ha! I love this! Gotta appreciate organized and neat children and TOYS!

Dana said...

It's a good thing we were never roommates :-)

Anonymous said...

Just like your brother Nick use to do at 2 years old.
