Sunday, April 10, 2011

My letter to Carson on his 4th birthday.

Dear Carson,

I can’t believe you are 4 today. I know you’ve been telling everyone you are 4 for a while now but guess what, now you really ARE 4!!! I get so sentimental on your birthdays and I always go back and look at all the pictures I have taken over the past four years. I am truly amazed at how big you are now. You have grown into a sweet, confident, funny, intelligent, witty, sensitive, and silly little man.

I still remember all the vivid details of the day you were born and how you took your sweet time to make your appearance 9 days late. You were my first born. I always wanted a boy and you gave me that gift. YOU made me a mommy. I had no idea what I was doing but you were such an easy baby. Your giggles and smiles always assured me I was doing it all right. You slept through the night very early on and I used to check on you obsessively (just ask daddy) to make sure you were ok. Oh how I Ioved watching you sleep. In fact, four years later I still sneak up to your room when you fall asleep just to watch you. I don’t think I will ever stop loving it.

I love the little person you have become. Your imagination at the age of 4 is hilarious and I just love listening to you tell us stories. You are a great big brother and I know you can’t wait for Tyler to get a little bit bigger so you can really play together and I assure you it’s only a few short months away.

You have made me a better person. You taught me how strong I am, how capable I am to have a career and take care of my boys. I miss you so much when I am at work and love when you run to me with that great big Carson smile when I pick you up so please don’t ever stop. That smile on your face at the end of a long day and the way you tell me all about your day on the way home makes it all worth it.

I love you stinker. And please take your time getting to 5.

Love always,



Sheena said...

Oh Gina, soooo sweet!! It gave me chills! Happy 4th Birthday sweet Carson!

Dana said...

so sweet. Happy belated birthday, Carson!

Marcia said...

Look at that last pic of him THRILLED about his cake!!! Love it! Happy Birthday Carson!