Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First day of school!

Many of you that read my blog know the drama I went through a few weeks ago with our nanny but for those of you I have not updated, we had to let Carson's nanny go since she was being dishonest. It was very emotional for me especially since we treated her like family and she has been taking care of Carson since he was 3 months old. We were very disappointed and know this is best for our family.

After much thought, we decided it was best to start him in daycare. Luckily, I had been on a waiting list since I was pregnant so we were able to get in there in such short notice. It's very close to home and comes highly recommended too. We are starting him part time (3 days per week) and eventually adding on a fourth day this summer.

So today was his first day there alone. I've been working at home and transitioning him slowly but he cried and whined everytime we go there so today was tough. I cried when I left and all the way to work. I cried thinking about his sweet little face and that I don't want him to feel like I am not coming back. Even though I knew in my heart he was safe and fine, it still hurt so badly. We called and checked on him a few times and he was doing great. We picked him up today and saw him interacting and playing with the other kids and I felt a huge relief.

His teachers all said he did GREAT and even napped on the cot for 2 1/2 hours! My little man made me so proud today.

Wish us luck that he continues on this path and that he does look forward to "school." I know it will take time to adjust but he is a very strong willed and independent little man so I have no doubt he will soon be running circles in that place.

Go Carson!!!!

1 comment:

Gummy Mommy said...

I'm so sorry to read about the nanny experience.. yikes.! Glad little man is getting the hang of "baby school"