Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sweet Potatoes Success

We have been feeding solids to Carson since he was 4.5 months old but he would cry and scream and push the food back out all over the place. Clearly he was just not ready but we followed the advice of our pediatrician and stopped for a few weeks and restarted at 5.5 months.

It was still a big challenge but we were consistent with doing it every single night and trying a new food every 4 days. The boy loves his fruit and he seemed to get really into it in the past week. Today I introduced sweet potatoes again and something just clicked with him. He was diving for the spoon, opening his mouth and making the sweet sound of enjoyment! I had tears in my eyes - I was excited that he finally "got it" but also sad that my little baby is growing up. Dan was at the grocery store so he missed the whole thing but saw the proof of the empty jar of Earth's Best Sweet Potatoes on the counter when he got home.

Carson will be 7 months old this weekend and it blows my mind. I took the day off tomorrow since we finally have his 6 month well baby visit and I although I am excited to be a stay at home mommy for a day I am not looking forward to his shots. Vaccines just frighten me even though I trust our pedi and know I am doing the right thing. Wish us luck and I will report back with his stats. We think he is 20 lbs and 28 inches so we shall see. Stay tuned.

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