Thursday, November 8, 2007

6 Month Well Visit

So even though Carson is turning 7 months old this weekend, we just had his 6 month well visit yesterday. I have a love/hate relationship with these appointments because I love seeing how much he has grown and I love getting all my questions answered from our pediatrician, but I can't express how much I hate hate hate the shots!

I know I am doing the right thing by keeping up to date with his vaccines but they freak me out. I know I shouldn't get my medical advice on the internet but lately there has been so much media attention on autism and the speculation of it being linked with vaccines. Quite honestly, it scares the poop out of me!

So back to the appointment. I love our pediatrician and he always makes me feel secure and happy with how Carson has been developing. His first comment to Carson yesterday was "I like what you have done with your hair" since as we all know Carson's hair stands straight up like a chicken! Carson was such a big boy and barely cried at all for his shots. His stats are as follows:

Weight - 18 lbs 12 oz
Length - 28 1/2 inches
Head Circ - 44.5 cm

He is a big boy and is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. Our home scale weighed him at 20 lbs which is great for Dan and I since it means we also weigh a pound less!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he is in the 90th. I couldn't get my boys past the 5th for weight and I don't think they are much past that now- and they have some of the same genes!