Friday, November 11, 2011

Three weeks later.

This may turn into a whiny post but I feel like I am allowed to whine right now. I am sick (literally I have a cold) and exhausted. This weekend is 3 weeks since Dan came home from the hospital after his brain surgery. What a crazy and busy few weeks it's been. I am not going to lie and sugarcoat things since I am just not that way, I will be honest and say I don't like our new normal right now.

The past 3 weeks have been full of taking Dan to his PT and OT appointments (with the help of some family too), keeping track of his meds, running errands, taking the kids to birthday parties, driving them to and from daycare (since we are trying to keep things normal for them), keeping up with Dan's appetite, making sure everyone is getting lots of love, kisses, cuddles, and attention....oh and did I mention I work full time?! So basically if my parents weren't here, we wouldn't be eating or have any clean clothes or dishes.

Don't get me wrong, life was hectic prior to his brain surgery since we do have a 2 and 4 year old but now I am doing it all alone and this is not what I signed up for at all. I just want my husband back to the way he was before and I want my kids to have their daddy back rolling around on the floor making forts out of blankets and pillows and playing hotwheels and football. I'm not the fun one. That's Dan. He's the creative one making garages out of shoe boxes, teaching them what every make and model of their hotwheels cars are and making a game out of every car ride too. I just want to yell and scream that it's not fair and trust me, I do yell and scream but never in front of my kids and husband. I guess the "why him, why us, why now" is normal but really, WHYYYYYYYY DAN?????

So every weekend around this time when the kids are fast asleep and I finally get to sit down, I give myself a huge pat on the back that I made it through another weekend. That sounds so silly but it's not even a joke, I say to Dan "I made it! and he says "good job babe." I think to myself how much longer will I have to do this alone? I hate this unknown and I know Dan does too. I cannot even imagine how he feels and he's not the best at communicating his feelings. I ask him often and he tells me he is ready to fight. He is brave and I need to be strong and brave for him too.

This week is the week it will all begin. Dan has been scheduled for his radiation and chemotherapy consultations. We've been told his treatment will begin immediately. I will update at the end of the week once we know more.

Keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming. Your words of encouragement truly lift us up.

Thank you!

p.s. I realize this post is all over the place rambling but you can see how my mind is working these days!


Mrs. L said...

You are amazing, Gina! We're thinking about you and praying for you and Dan and the boys!

Erin said...

continuing to pray for you, dan, and your boys. HUGS.

KatieC said...

Sending lots of love to you guys! I think it's so special that despite everything going on, that you're trying to keep things the same for your boys. You two are amazing parents and you Gina are an amazing woman! I hope you all get into a better rhythm soon and how great that his treatment is about to be underway!

Marcia said...

I pray for your family daily, Gina. Do the best you can and take one day at a time. Lots of love to you!!

Christina said...

You are so amazing, Gigi. I so wish I lived closer to you to help, and just take some of the load off. I think of you guys every day. You're so strong, and such fighters. Just take it one day at a time, sweet girl.

Erin said...

peace and love

Fancy Pants said...

I think of you EVERY day and send up some love for you. You can do this!

E.M. said...

Thinking about you every day and wishing you the extra strength you need. You are stronger than you know. HUGS!!!

Dana said...

Many hugs Gina <3

Monika said...

You just left me speechless. For what you are going through, for how together and focused and strong you remain, for the endless love, hugs, giggles I am sure your boys continue to receive. Yet you are apologizing for "whining" or venting. Gina, if ANYONE deserves to throw a tantrum like a 2 year old in the middle of a grocery store, it's you. Allow yourself to whine...just remember to keep those pats on the back coming as well.

beth said...

Oh goodness, you have every right to whine!! You are so strong for your family!! Many, many hugs to you all!!

Brittany said...

You guys are going to make it EVERY day!! Some days will be longer than others - but you're going to make it! Huge hugs!! Think of you daily!

Melysa - Moments with the Montanos said...

You are doing an amazing job and are allowed to whine (even though I don't think you were whining). Lot's of hugs, prayers and positive thoughts.

Stalls said...

G, keep the posts coming. We are all out here thinking about you guys. I still get tons of emails asking how Dan and the family are doing, I point them to this blog.
Thoughts and prayers to you guys...

Carla said...

You are such an amazing woman, Gina! I think of you guys daily and continue to keep you in prayer.

Katie said...

Thinking of you every day Gina. Many prayers to you and Dan and the boys!

Kristine said...

Gina, I think of you guys all the time. You are an incredible woman and awesome mother. I'm so heartbroken that you have to go through this - just reading this post made me teary so I just can't even imagine how you and Dan both feel. I'm happy to hear Dan is ready to fight - that's a great attitude and he will beat this! Love you guys!!

Erin O said...

This is about the hundredth time I've typed a sentence, erased it and started writing something completely different. I wish there was something I could say or do to help. It sounds like you’re shouldering so much right now, and it’s heartbreaking. It really is downright unfair that you’re going through this. Even Superwoman would be overwhelmed, frustrated and a little angry right now!

Just remember - you are not alone. I know I’ve told you this before, but seriously - call me any time. I don’t have kids to worry about and I work from home. I would be more than happy to help with anything.

I’m praying for you, the boys and Dan!

Kate said...

you and your family are constantly in my thoughts, Gina. I cannot IMAGINE how hard and difficult it all is. Your boys (all of them!) are SO lucky to have you fighting for them. You are an amazing person!!

Ron Brown said...

Gina, I truly lift you and Dan along with your two wonderful boys up to the universe for healing and help. You have been a truly great friend to me and I know your deep love for Dan and your family will bring you through this well. I truly know the quality of your character and know that you are a women who gets what she wants and wanting Dan to BE Truly Well is going to happen.

Know I love you my friend ((Hugs)) across the Internet and wishing you well.