So I got out our external drive where I save all of our photos and we took a trip down memory lane. I let him select his favorite 5-6 pics. I think it was actually way more fun for me than him getting to look back on 4 years worth of photos and reminded me I need to do it more often.
Here is a photo of the bulletin board with his spread of pics and his interview sheet. I know you can't read it so here were his answers, and I promise these were ALL from him and completely unprompted....even the one about mommy (melt!).

My favorite color is - brown
My favorite book is - my 3 Curious George books from my cousins
My favorite movie is - The Bee Movie
My favorite sport is - soccer
When I grow up I want to be a - police man, no wait...I actually want to be Ray Rice!
I'm special because - my mommy loves me
I was born in the state of - Maryland
My favorite food is - pizza
I have a pet - NO!
The person I most admirer is - my baby (he calls Tyler his baby. This made my heart melt too.)
My favorite school subject is - housekeeping
My brother's name is - Tyler
My sister's name is - I don't have one of those.
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