We had a great holiday season. We celebrated Thanksgiving with our wonderful neighbors that took us in for dinner since we never have Tday plans. The food was delish. We actually hosted Christmas here with my FIL and his wife Nancy (Pops and Nan as the kids call them!) on Christmas eve, and Christmas day with my MIL and sister and her family. My sister ended up getting called into work so my BIL and nephews came alone until she got off of work. The kids had a blast and got so many nice gifts from everyone. THANK YOU!
Here is a pic of Carson with his pilgrim hat he made at school....

And our visit with Santa. Tyler took one for the team since Carson stood 50 feet away!
Than January rolled around and work has been super busy. There is literally no down time at all. It definitely makes the days go faster though so that's good. This month was fun though.
Tyler is now 18 months old and soooooooooooo much fun. His vocabulary is really increasing and he's so darn smart. He understands anything you tell him to do now, he knows all the obvious body parts, and his animal sounds are hilarious, esp the monkey which I take credit for teaching him! He sleeps great and eats great too. We really cannot complain much at all I guess. He did have the stomach bug earlier this month but after 24 hours he was back to normal.
Tyler at 18 mos...
Carson is going to be 4 in a few months and he moved up to the 4 year old preschool room this month. He's 4 going on 14 I swear. He keeps us on our toes. Right now he just loves to sing and dance all the time and make us just sit and watch him. He is still really into hotwheels cars but also now obsessed with superheros. He started indoor soccer this month too which we thought would wear him out and make him nap but no such luck. He's got so much energy it's crazy.
I have to run since Tyler just woke from his nap and apparently I am the only one that can walk upstairs to get him.
More updates soon!
miss "seeing" you around Gina! Glad to hear all is well! <3
Glad to hear things are going well!! I think Carson looks so much like you in that Thanksgiving picture!
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