So, we have been incredibly busy keeping up with him. He is so fast and it takes all 3 of us to track him down and keep him out of the plantation shutters, bathrooms, and anything else he can get his hands on.
Carson just adores him but we are having some territory issues already since Tyler wants NOTHING to do with baby toys, I mean nothing at all. I am going to either give them all to my friends with babies or donate them since he has already advanced to trucks and cars and plays with all of Carson's toys - or rather the ones that Carson allows him to play with while he is playing with something else!
We had a triathlon go through our community and the last biker was trailed by police cars. Carson wouldn't leave the back doors until they were all of of sight. This kids loves "emergencies" as he calls them which in his world means that anytime we see an emergency vehicle it has to be an emergency, right?
Dan and I celebrated 5 years together. He got me this cute little chocolate cake in addition to flowers and we went out to dinner to celebrate. I had just gotten some Mother's Day $$$ the week prior so no gifts were exchanged this time.

Oh and here is a pic of our first kiss as a married couple!!

Tyler started taking rides in the red buggy - which was Carson's first bday gift from me! He loves it and Carson loves to push him around too.

We hit the playground and Tyler had his first swing experience. I am actually surprised we hadn't taken him before. Carson refused to get his picture taken.

And we went to the beach the weekend before Memorial Day with our dear friends. Tyler disliked the sand so he hung out in the stroller the whole time.
There is a lot more but this is getting long and I am tired of trying to get the pics arranged in the right order so I will just highlight some other things that happened in May:
- Tyler started to walk with his walker all over the house and he loves for us to hold his hands and walk with him.
- He also waves hi, claps, and does a full arm point to things. He does things on command as well and knows objects by name too. Oh and he is 11 months old TODAY!!!!
- Carson helped daddy hang flags for Memorial Day and decorate all around the house too. They also built a bird feeder and hung it from a tree outside the window.
- Carson participated in his school pre-k graduation and performed in front of lots of people as Pup in a Cup from a Dr. Seuss book.
- Tyler had his first ER visit after 4 hours of non-stop crying and it was a double ear infection. Earlier in the same week he had croup and pink eye. Now he has eczema and something else called keratosis - all harmless but so annoying that he has had so many issues!
So that's it for now......
1 comment:
Great recap! That last pic of Tyler. So cute!
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