I apologize for not coming back 'tomorrow' as I said last week but life just got so busy. So here is my official 'happy 1/2 bday to Tyler' post!
Here is a little bit about Tyler at 6 months:
- He loves to jump all the time and spends a lot of time in his jumperoo which he just LOVES.
- He has been sitting up independently for a while now.
- He has completed my sleep training "bootcamp" and has been sleeping through the night more frequently in addition to becoming a great daytime napper too.
- He loves to reach for anything he sees in front of him and often does face plants into the carpet just to get what he wants.
- He is trying to move across the floor and does it two ways. He sort of lifts his butt off the floor and moves closer to objects that way or he spins around while on his belly. He also sometimes pushes with his feet and digs his knees into the carpet too.
- He has started to eat rice cereal and oatmeal and just loves it all.
- He still loves his baths and loves to crack up at me when I pour water all over him.
- He just loves his brother. He is always reaching for him and grabbing him whenever he comes close by and Carson just loves it. When he wakes up either in the morning or for naps Carson loves to come and greet him and Tyler reaches out to him as if to give him a hug. It makes me melt!
- He isn't too fond of the carseat and would rather be up and in the action.
- He loves riding in carts and I think he loves Target as much as I do. :)
Here are his stats at 6 months:
Weight - 16 lbs 13 oz
Height - 27"
he is so cute!
i love target, too. I go almost everyday haha! emerick is also a big fan of target!
he is soooo cute gina!!!
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