The day got away from me yesterday so better late than never to say that Tyler is now a 5 month old!
He is just so much different than Carson was at this age and I am wondering if it's because he has a big brother to watch and there is always so much going on around him or maybe because he is in daycare and stimulated by all the people and noises while Carson was alone with a nanny all day. Who knows but Carson was so "chill" while Tyler is just CRAZY!
A little about Tyler at 5 months:
- He loves to grab everything in sight and whatever toy Carson is playing with he wants to hold it.
- He loves blankets and covering his face with them so we got him a lovey which he now cuddles with nightly.
- He loves to pull up and sit up and is no longer content in the bouncer or bumbo. And if he is sitting on our laps he is constantly moving and kicking. This kid does not sit still.
- He can self soothe and put himself to sleep but he is still waking up a few times a night. Ugh!
- He loves bathtime and kicking water all over the place.
- He loves to watch us eat and gets mad when he doesn't get a tostito too.
- He is still spitting up a ton and still on his reflux meds at an even higher dosage. There is never any warning and one of us is always covered in it.
- He had his first ear infection last week.
- He is rolling back to belly and belly to back although for some reason he only does it for us and not at daycare!
- He can sit in a tripod but gets frustrated quickly because he just has to grab whatever is in sight.
So all in all, he's a very sweet and cuddly little guy who is definitely keeping us on our toes and up at night, lol!
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