We had a very low key Thanksgiving today with just the four of us. Dan and I had been going out to eat every year but Tyler's age is a bit hard to do that right now so we decided to stay home all day. It ended up being a VERY long day since Tyler only cat naps and Carson was just ON all day long but we are so very thankful for our crazy life right now because we know time flies!
I do have some good news from today though. Tyler has been rolling back to belly all day. At first I loved it but then he started to wake up in his sleep at every nap today from doing it and getting stuck on his arm. So I have a love/hate relationship with milestones I guess.
I also wanted to share Carson's Thanksgiving art project from school. He actually had 3 but this one was too cute to not share. We had a hand turkey from his hand print and inside what he told his teachers he was thankful for:
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