Tyler's been rocking back and forth for a few weeks now and rolling from belly to back which I read is what a lot of babies do as early as 3 mos but on Thanksgiving he officially became a back to belly roller! He was perfecting his moves all weekend and now can get on to his belly, remove his stuck arm, hang out, and then go roll back to his back.
When he first started doing it, he was rolling at every nap and waking himself up but night sleep hasn't been affected yet and I am hoping it's not so bad and he can figure out how to get back over and not need me.
I looked back to see when Carson started rolling because I wasn't sure if he was early or right on track and he's definitely earlier than Carson. Carson started rolling at 5 mos 1 week and Tyler is 4 mos 2 weeks. Maybe when they get older they can use this milestone when they try to "one-up" each other!! I can just see it now "well I am smarter because I rolled before you did so there!" LOL!!
Here's a video of him from the weekend showing off his new skills!
my place to ramble about whatever is on my mind with lots of oohing and ahhing over my little loves (and husband of course too)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009.
I asked Carson what he was thankful for today and he told me "race cars, tractors, mommy, daddy, and baby tyler." Yes in that order too! Gotta love the mind of a 2 year old.
We had a very low key Thanksgiving today with just the four of us. Dan and I had been going out to eat every year but Tyler's age is a bit hard to do that right now so we decided to stay home all day. It ended up being a VERY long day since Tyler only cat naps and Carson was just ON all day long but we are so very thankful for our crazy life right now because we know time flies!
I do have some good news from today though. Tyler has been rolling back to belly all day. At first I loved it but then he started to wake up in his sleep at every nap today from doing it and getting stuck on his arm. So I have a love/hate relationship with milestones I guess.
I also wanted to share Carson's Thanksgiving art project from school. He actually had 3 but this one was too cute to not share. We had a hand turkey from his hand print and inside what he told his teachers he was thankful for:

We had a very low key Thanksgiving today with just the four of us. Dan and I had been going out to eat every year but Tyler's age is a bit hard to do that right now so we decided to stay home all day. It ended up being a VERY long day since Tyler only cat naps and Carson was just ON all day long but we are so very thankful for our crazy life right now because we know time flies!
I do have some good news from today though. Tyler has been rolling back to belly all day. At first I loved it but then he started to wake up in his sleep at every nap today from doing it and getting stuck on his arm. So I have a love/hate relationship with milestones I guess.
I also wanted to share Carson's Thanksgiving art project from school. He actually had 3 but this one was too cute to not share. We had a hand turkey from his hand print and inside what he told his teachers he was thankful for:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tyler - 4 months
Tyler turned 4 months old on Saturday but we just had his 4 month well visit today so I wanted to update with his growth stats.
Height - 24 1/2 inches
Weight - 14 lbs 6 oz
The doctor said he is thriving and is a very strong little guy with great muscle tone too. He was impressed with the fine and gross motor skills he is exhibiting so far and put bets on the fact that he will be early in some of the gross motor skills like sitting up and crawling. We shall see! He got 2 shots and a third one orally and barely cried.
Here is a little more about Tyler at 4 months old:
- He is moving all over the place. He is often found in his crib in a different direction and he likes to spin and kick his music on and off.
- He loves to sit up in the bumbo, on our lap or the exersaucer and see the world in a new way.
- He smiles all day long. It literally melts my heart.
- He talks a lot and is starting to giggle in his own way too.
- He lunges at toys from the bumbo and likes to always be holding something.
- He rocks from side to side.
- He can roll belly to back and has done it a number of times.
- He loves to watch Carson play and Carson loves to entertain him.
- He doesn't sleep that great. He was waking up only once to eat but now sometimes he wakes up to 3 times per night. Ugh.
- He gets so excited when you walk into his room to get him and starts to kick his legs and smile so big at us.
I can go on and on but I will stop now. He is just such a love. It's amazing that a year ago this week, I found out I was pregnant with him and now he is here and filling our lives with so much love.
Height - 24 1/2 inches
Weight - 14 lbs 6 oz
The doctor said he is thriving and is a very strong little guy with great muscle tone too. He was impressed with the fine and gross motor skills he is exhibiting so far and put bets on the fact that he will be early in some of the gross motor skills like sitting up and crawling. We shall see! He got 2 shots and a third one orally and barely cried.
Here is a little more about Tyler at 4 months old:
- He is moving all over the place. He is often found in his crib in a different direction and he likes to spin and kick his music on and off.
- He loves to sit up in the bumbo, on our lap or the exersaucer and see the world in a new way.
- He smiles all day long. It literally melts my heart.
- He talks a lot and is starting to giggle in his own way too.
- He lunges at toys from the bumbo and likes to always be holding something.
- He rocks from side to side.
- He can roll belly to back and has done it a number of times.
- He loves to watch Carson play and Carson loves to entertain him.
- He doesn't sleep that great. He was waking up only once to eat but now sometimes he wakes up to 3 times per night. Ugh.
- He gets so excited when you walk into his room to get him and starts to kick his legs and smile so big at us.
I can go on and on but I will stop now. He is just such a love. It's amazing that a year ago this week, I found out I was pregnant with him and now he is here and filling our lives with so much love.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I think my kids have a conspiracy against me. They sleep great on the weekends and then when I have to go to work, they decide to wake up at crazy hours.
This morning for some reason Carson woke up before 5 am. I had already been up at 11, 1, and 3 with Tyler and was back to sleep and hoping no one needed me before my alarm went off at 5:30 but at 4:54 I hear "mommmmmyyyyyy" come across the monitor and in my sleepy daze I imagined it was Tyler but then quickly realized he can't speak yet. So I go up and get him and he said "I just want to be holded mommy" and of course I don't deny any cuddling time these days since they are so few and far between. I embraced it even at 5 am.
Fast forward to as I'm leaving for work and I was saying my goodbyes. Carson didn't want me to leave and I told him that mommy has to work and his response was "why?" as always so I said "because I have to make money" and he said "so you can buy more toys?" and that put a huge smile on my face. I just love how the mind of a 2 year old is so focused on toys so I said "why of course, yes that is exactly why I work honey!" and all was good.
This morning for some reason Carson woke up before 5 am. I had already been up at 11, 1, and 3 with Tyler and was back to sleep and hoping no one needed me before my alarm went off at 5:30 but at 4:54 I hear "mommmmmyyyyyy" come across the monitor and in my sleepy daze I imagined it was Tyler but then quickly realized he can't speak yet. So I go up and get him and he said "I just want to be holded mommy" and of course I don't deny any cuddling time these days since they are so few and far between. I embraced it even at 5 am.
Fast forward to as I'm leaving for work and I was saying my goodbyes. Carson didn't want me to leave and I told him that mommy has to work and his response was "why?" as always so I said "because I have to make money" and he said "so you can buy more toys?" and that put a huge smile on my face. I just love how the mind of a 2 year old is so focused on toys so I said "why of course, yes that is exactly why I work honey!" and all was good.
Friday, November 13, 2009
My sleeping babies.
They just look so sweet and peaceful when they are sleeping and I love to peek in on them and just relish in the moment since they are growing so fast. Plus, I know I will never get this time back when they are both contained in cribs!

This was last night before I went to bed at 9 pm. Yes I go to bed very early but I also wake up super early and am at work by 7. Oh and last night was nice. Tyler has been killing this mama with multiple wakings since he's been so congested. Last night however, he went back to normal and only woke up once in 12 hours!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So....what do you think?
Do you like these colors better? I was sick of the blue and green and really didn't like it with the orange.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Worst picture taker ever award goes to....
My darling husband. He claims that he 'tries' to take good pics but either he just really sucks or he just doesn't care! I have maybe 5 pics of me with one of the boys in total from the past 2 1/2 years and the reason is because most of them end up needing to be deleted because they are out of focus, too dark, bad angles, you name it.
And the reason I am posting this is because I was downloading pics and came across these....
And you are probably wondering what I am. WTH are they supposed to be?! Knowing my husband like I do my best guess is that he was trying to take a pic of him and Carson and thought the mirror would be a great idea for self portraits!
I really do try to give him the benefit of the doubt but it doesn't matter what the light is like or the event, the pics are just horrible. I asked him to take one of Tyler while he was in my arms at the pumpkin farm and this was the end result. Grainy and out of focus!!
I am not saying I am that great or anything but at least I try!! Honey, I love you to death but you really need to work on your skills!!
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