Thursday, April 10, 2008

And he's walking!

What a big day for Carson today. He turned the big 1 and became an official walker! He's been taking steps for 3 weeks now and last week he got a black eye from losing his balance and falling into his bookcase so I think he got a bit scared to try again. Well I picked him up from daycare and he walked all afternoon. He was showing off his skills outside for all the neighbors too!!!

Yay Carson!!!!


Fancy Pants said...

I guess he picked up a thing or two at daycare!

Gummy Mommy said...

OMG.. OMG!! Carson is walking.. and he's ONE already!!
Wait a minute... !! how did that happen so fast... weren't you pregnant like, last week..!!
Your house will be soon filled with the happiest pitter patter of tiny feet going everywhere.. such fun times!

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