He started by getting on all fours and rocking back and forth. It was absolutely hysterical to watch and we knew it was only a matter of time until he began to crawl. Than he surprised us by getting into a sitting position from the floor all by himself and mastering the roll/sit all in one movement! He than progressed to baby yoga poses and push-ups and than this past Tuesday he began to CRAWL!!!!!!
We were playing in his room before work and as I turned to put away some of his laundry I realized he crawled. I did a double-take...literally. I brought him up to our room to finish getting ready and he did it again and again and again!!! I was cheering and screaming with joy and he looked at me as if I had lost my mind. Within days he was a crawling pro and acted as if he had been doing it since birth.
This weekend was quite busy as we realized we can no longer just leave the room even to get a drink. He was quite entertained exploring the house and getting into places he had never seen before. Someone is in love with mommy's closet - must be all the pretty clothes and shoes!!!!Here are a few pics of his yoga poses, the downward dog is his fave as you can see....and I also added a video of him crawling. Enjoy.

How cute! Trust me - he will explore every square inch of the house that he can get to, around, over or under!
Yay for Carson!! You better watch out!
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