Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Longest month(s) ever.

I am not quite sure where to begin this post since it’s been the longest most challenging two months since Dan’s diagnosis. To make a very long story short, Dan spent the last month or so in hospitals. If you want to hear the details, keep reading...

The first week of April, Dan took his second round of chemotherapy. He did fine although he did seem more tired than usual and was getting weaker and weaker by the day. The weakness got so bad that he could barely walk with his cane into his PT appointments. He was even too weak to attend Carson's 5th birthday party which was hard for all of us. I was definitely worried but waited it out until his appointment on April 12th which was just a routine MRI and oncology appointment. He checked out fine in terms of his blood work and his MRI was pretty stable from the last one. We talked at length to his team about his weakness, tiredness and also starting him on a medication called Avastin. I actually left the appointment feeling optimistic and hopeful because I have read at length about this drug and how positive patients have been responding to it. Of course my mood came to a screeching halt not even 15 minutes later when we got a call from his doctor while waiting for our car. We were told that radiology had called and found two intracranial bleeds on the MRI and he had to be admitted immediately. Dan spent the next week at Hopkins being observed and going through test after test. He had to be taken off the blood thinners he had been taking for his pulmonary embolism, and to make sure he doesn’t get any more clots that can spread; they inserted a filter into his vena cava artery to prevent any clots from moving. He was also no longer a candidate for Avastin due to the bleeds and his doctor said we had to stop treatment for now and wait and see how things progress. Talk about bad news.

He spent a week in the oncology unit and became even weaker. At this point, it just wasn’t safe for Dan to continue on the chemotherapy plan and our next step was to get him into an inpatient rehab facility. The unit at Hopkins is so small that we had to look elsewhere. I toured a few in the area and have my friend Nicole to thank for tagging along and helping me make yet another big decision. I was depressed just looking at places and kept having guilt as if he would be mad at me for not picking the right one! I know it sounds silly but as his caregiver and wife, his needs are most important. So we decided that the unit at Sinai was the best fit for him and it was 2nd best to the care he would get at Hopkins.

The rehab program was pretty aggressive with over 3 hours a day of therapy (PT, OT, recreation therapy, speech, etc) so Dan was kept very busy. He was also busy with visits from family and close friends, in addition to socializing with other patients. We were all anxious for him to come home since the drive to Sinai was wearing on all of us and the kids were really missing him. The team at Sinai recommended he go to a sub-acute facility instead of coming home since he was still pretty weak and they were concerned he wouldn’t get the care he needed with me also having to take care of our boys. I knew he couldn’t tolerate not coming home so I made the decision to discharge him to home as long as he was approved for home care. To prep for his homecoming, his step brother (who might I add has been so helpful and kind during this time) came and installed shower safety rails and a new shower head to make Dan’s life a little easier and on Friday, May 4th he was finally home.

It didn’t last too long. 

His first night home from rehab was extremely difficult. It took me roughly 3 hours to transfer him from the chair to his wheelchair to the bed. His legs just didn’t want to move and the more and more we tried the more and more tired he became. After many tears from us both being so upset and just tired, I got him into our guest bed at 12:30 am. His home care was set up to start the next day so after taking the boys to Carson’s tball game while Dan’s dad came to stay with him, we came home a few hours later to Dan on the floor with the nurse. The boys were kind of scared not knowing why their daddy is on the floor and couldn’t get up. He had slipped out of his wheelchair trying to transfer on to the couch. The nurse told us that she had to call 911 to help get him up since our home was just too unsafe for him at this point. I sort of disagreed but what I was to do when I needed someone to lift him up safely. The ambulance transported him to Hopkins and he was admitted a few hours later. He spent a few days lying around until they decided to admit him into inpatient rehab again but this time, he got into the Hopkins unit. On May 8th, he was moved into the rehab unit and once again began intense rehab therapy.

He spent a little over a week in rehab this time and the kids joined me on the weekend to hang out with him as long as possible. We were at least able to take him on walks and enjoy the weather. We also celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary in his hospital room. That was extremely difficult for both of us but I wouldn’t let his cancer keep us apart so I brought dinner to him.

Dan came home on Friday, May 18th and each day has become more and more challenging. He is in a lot of muscular pain now, has pressure in his head again, has had some vomiting episodes (sorry if TMI), and has no appetite. Needless to say, I am worried sick. It is so incredibly hard watching the love of your life go through this and even more hard seeing my kids with him. Dan is currently immobile and transfers to and from a chair and bed are very difficult. We now have a hospital bed in our room and boy do I hate not being able to sleep next to my husband at night. Like I have said before, our former life is unrecognizable.

After speaking to his oncology nurse today, they want to see Dan tomorrow morning due to the onset of new symptoms. He will get a scan and she said if they see anything abnormal there is a 60% chance they will admit him again.

Please please please continue to keep Dan in your thoughts. And again, THANK YOU all for reading and keeping up with our journey.


Dana Franklin said...

Tears. Positive thoughts & continuous prayers!

Janay said...

Oh honey I think of you guys every day. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Stay strong you two will beat this!

Katie said...

Always thinking and praying for you all Gina. You are strong and amazing.

Brittany Dean said...

My love and strength are with you guys daily. Thank you for sharing with us so that we can think of and pray for your family and support you. You guys are not alone. Hugs x a million!!!!

AliciaD said...

Oh Gina. This is just so unfair. I am praying for you, Dan, and your boys. I will continue to send positive thoughts and prayers your way. X

Carla said...

Oh Gina. I'm so sorry. I hope and pray that you guys get GREAT news tomorrow. My prayers are with you both.

Stay strong sweetheart.

Dana said...

Thinking of you and praying Gina. It doesn't feel like enough.

Staci said...

I think about you both and pray for you every day. I wish you didn't have to be so strong, but I'm so glad for your family that you are. Love you!!

Jenny said...

I think of you guys and pray for you every single day. You are an amazing and strong woman. xoxo

Melissa Adkins said...

Gina you are an amazing wife and mother. We pray for you, Dan and the kids everyday.

Stephanie Tadlock said...

Alessandro and I are with you and praying for you. You and Dan are both amazing people. Big hugs.

Mimi said...

Love you G. Thinking of you every second. Stay strong!!! xxoo

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thinking of you guys with lots of love. Will keep you in my prayers xo

Marcia said...

Not a day goes by that I don't pray for you, Dan and your boys, Gina. You are an amazing support to Dan and an unbelievable mother! Keep your head up! Love ya!

Erin O said...

I'm always thinking about you guys. You are such an incredible wife and mommy. Sending love your way!

Kate said...

Oh Gina, I don't think I have the words to lift you up high enough, but know that I'm thinking of you, Dan, and the boys every day and praying that you find your way through this awful time. Lots and lots of hugs.

LisaE said...

There are no words. I'm so amazed at your strength. I love you!! You are all in my prayers.

Kelly said...

Gina, I'm thinking of your family and praying for you all.