Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 2 - done.

We made it through another week and Dan is still doing great. He still isn't feeling any of the fatigue that is supposed to come and his appetite is still raging from the steroids he is on so he's eating non-stop! We got the go ahead to decrease the decadron to 2x daily since they want to eventually wean him off. The side effects aren't very appealing so it would be nice to get him off of it. So I cross my fingers he does well with the lower dosage this time around.

His labs came back fine again this week with his platelet count actually increasing a bit. They don't want the platelet number to go below 100 and right now he's in the 180s. If he goes to 100 or below, he has to stop the Temador and wait until his body builds them back up to begin again. We definitely don't want that to happen since he is on such a great track but it's really out of our hands. Some patients are doing fine one week and the next week they come in and their counts show a significant dip so there's really now saying from one week to the next. Oh and he did gain 5 lbs according to their scale but he did have on layers of clothes and shoes so we (he really since we bickered over this in the waiting room!) estimated maybe 3.

I had mentioned in an earlier post that we are surrounded by amazing people and his radiation oncology nurse is one of them. Today upon arrival we see him decked out in red scrubs and a Santa hat and when it was time to meet him, he came in with his Christmas CD that he recorded a few years back. He always knows how to put a smile on your face and really is perfect for his job. He explained that he plays piano and sings and his friends and family are also featured on the CD. The inside of the CD talks about healing in the cancer world is more than just physical and his words really mean a lot to me even though it's not written for me, it speaks to me. Here is a pic of the cover and of Ron!

Next week we skip our long Monday since they are closed for the holiday so labs will be done on Tuesday most likely.

I hope everyone doesn't think we eat, sleep, and breath cancer because even though Dan is fighting it right now...I am as busy as every getting ready for the holiday and keeping life normal for my boys. I really need to post some pics of them too because if you know me, you know I take a ton of them!

I promise to do a post this week all about the boys.


Kate said...

so glad Dan is still feeling well! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your time with the boys!!!! <3

Brittany said...

Great post G! Some people in the medical field are such angels - it's a gift to have them work with us - looks like you got one! ;). Have a great holiday and I cannot wait to hear about the boys!! Please tell T to take it easy on calling out Santa, ok? :)

Ron Brown said...

Gina, My prayers and thoughts are with you, Dan and the boys.

I Know that Dan will recover and I have everyone lifting him up in prayer including my father's church prayer chain.

I miss your smile and humor Gina. I wish you all love and light. Have a great holiday time with the boys and Dan. Love, Ron Brown

Christina B. said...

This is great, Gigi. Glad his levels and mood are up :-) Thinking of you, and wishing you all a very merry Christmas. xoxo