Friday, October 1, 2010

Body parts.

Sounds like an odd title but you will see what I mean in the video! It's a few weeks old but I am finally getting a chance to upload and share it here. He's been obsessed with body parts. He is constantly pointing to our heads, noses, ears, you name it. It's like a game to him! He especially loves doing it to Carson since it makes Carson laugh!

He knows his head, ears, nose, mouth, eyes, toes, and belly and points to all of them - not always on demand as you can see! He also loves to blow kisses and give open mouth ones too. You will also see his sign language skills which I cannot take credit for since I had to look up his signs on the internet to figure out what he was doing, lol! His teacher at daycare has taught him more, yes, please, all done, and a few more.

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