Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A few more Carson funnies.....

Setting - in the car ride home from Target as we drive past lots of farms since well, we live in farm country USA!

Carson: "mommy I wish we were farmers so we can ride on tractors alllll day."
Me: "oh honey, farmers have really rough lives. It's not really that glamorous."

Then I think why did I even open up a can of worms here, he is so inquisitive that I end up going way deeper than I planned about why they have rough lives but then I think that maybe he's so darn smart because I talk to him like an adult and not a 3 year old so I continue, LOL!!

So I changed the subject by telling him that Tyler and Daddy will be having birthdays soon and asking if we should throw parties....

Carson: "mommy, how old is daddy going to be?"
Me: 40!!!
Carson: "wow that is really tall!

I just love the fact that he relates age to height, too cute. And we continue on....

Me: "carson, you need to stop growing. You boys are just getting sooo big and mommy wants you to slow down."
Carson: "you mean tyler is getting big not me mommy, I'm already big."

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