Monday, February 16, 2009

Potty time!

It was time to get Carson a potty since he has been obsessed with the 'potty' book that was handed down to him from Aunt Cara and because he graduated to the 2s room at school and he sits on the potty at every diaper change which makes him come home and talk about it!

He was so excited to open this potty it was like getting a new toy! He of course had to examine it, sit on it and then demand that I take his clothes off so he can try it out. This went on all weekend long. No luck yet but at least he loves it!
Here are some pics from his potty adventure....

Then he took it into the bathroom and placed it right next to our toilet! I can't post the naked baby pics on here but they are hysterical and oh so cute. Gotta love a naked baby butt!


Carla said...

So cute! Connor carries his potty around and will come sit on it in the living room! So funny!

Aren't nakey potty pics the cutest?!

Kate said...
