Monday, August 4, 2008


So I haven't blogged in a few weeks since I just felt like I had nothing to say. If you know me, and really know me know I always have something to say but quite honestly I really haven't taken a ton of pics lately either.

Anyway, here are few cute ones from the past week.
Carson loves helping his daddy water the grass (yes our small patch of grass for those of you who have seen where we live!!!).

Yesterday we went to visit Pops and Nan since we hadn't seen them in a quite a while. Carson was so excited when they brought out the box of crayons and Handy Manny coloring book.
"yay crayons!"

And then Pops showed up with a miniature shopping cart and Carson went crazy. Dan went a little more crazy pushing him around in it....


Kate said...

Cute pics Gina! Sugar sure is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Pops and Nan sure did enjoy your l
ittle visit. Maybe next time Carson can stay here while Mommy and Daddy go out for dinner and a movie. Hopefully he will warm up to us soon. He is so precious.