Monday, May 19, 2008

Question of the day.

Well maybe questions (plural) of the day.

Why does Carson still make me hold his bottle for him? If I don't, he won't drink. He is way too busy to have time to drink his milk.

And speaking of bottles, why does he not "get" the concept of a sippy cup? Seriously he will play with them, remove them all from the kitchen drawer, carry them around in his bucket, but once I put any form of liquid in them he squeals and screams and throws them.

Why me?

Our pediatrician wants him off bottles now but I don't see an end in sight. Kindergarten here we come with our bottles in tow!

So if any of you mamas out there want to help me, please do!


Gummy Mommy said...

Aw Gina.. would you feel better if I told you that Gummy, at 19 months, still WON'T hold his own bottle and refuses to drink milk from a sippy.. STILL.. Not a single day comes by without me trying, but my little guy is one stubborn child.. and he always wins..

Kate said...

::WAVING:: Still holding the bottle for my 1 year old too!!

Franz-tastic said...

Oh my goodness, Jaeger hates the sippy and makes us hold the bottle too! Ok, so he is younger than Carson or Gummy but...

I have been trying to teach him how to use the cup for months. No go. He use to like drinking out of a frozen pint glass when he was first teething but now he just blows bubbles in the water.

Crazy boys! Maybe girls are smarter. :-p