Sunday, August 26, 2007

4 Month Appt and Stats!

Carson turned 4 months old on the 10th but I just haven't found the time to update this blog...sorry Mom and Nancy since I know you like to come and check in on your grandson!

Anyway, he has changed so much and it seems like 4 months was a huge turning point. He still hasn't rolled over but twice but we are just letting him do it in his own time. Why rush it?! His new thing is always wanting to be sitting up and not just resting his back on one of us or the couch anymore ...nope...he actually wants us to hold him up in a sitting position. We can let go and he does sit unassisted for a bit too. Oh and this weekend he realized he can push off with his feet and legs. He pushes up on his heels (butt in air) and kicks off to land in a different spot. I had a dream he skipped rolling and crawling and went straight to walking so let's hope that doesn't come true!

We saw the pediatrician on Wed for his 4 month well visit and he checked out great! There was one exception though, our poor little man had a penile adhesion so he had to basically rip back the skin to separate it again. He was in a lot of pain and was pretty pissed off but it's better than having to get surgery later on to correct it. We are now watching it very carefully and treating it at every diaper change to make sure it doesn't happen again. So far so good.

Here are his stats:

16 lbs 2 oz
26" in length
I forgot the head cir but it was in the 50% percentile so it wasn't as big as I thought!

Basically we have a very healthy little man and we couldn't be happier.

So that's that for the 4 month appt, I will update more this week with some new pics of Carson flying, visiting with his cousins, and his date today with his girlfriend Mackenzie. Stay tuned!

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