Dear Tyler, One year ago I questioned my ability to love another child and now one year later, I can’t even describe in words the way you make us feel. You made us a perfect family of four.
Just to give you a recap of July 14th, 2009, your birth was so much different than your brother’s since your due date was planned, and you had some difficulty breathing on your own. Daddy and I were very scared when the doctors didn’t immediately bring you over to meet us but we knew you were in great hands. We were sent to recovery and waited patiently to meet you. Finally you arrived all wrapped up like a burrito. We breathed a sigh of relief that you were ok. The moment our eyes met for the first time and I saw your sweet little face, it was magical. My heart opened up so wide and any previous thoughts of my inability to love two children quickly disappeared. You came out with chubby cheeks and looked exactly like your big brother. You were perfect and we were in love.
It is so surreal that it’s already been a year. We have enjoyed watching you grow and cheering you on as you accomplished all of your “firsts” from smiling, rolling, laughing, crawling, waving, clapping, and even walking. You are an angel, you love to cuddle, you are loud, curious, smart and intuitive, full of life, hilarious, charming, and boy do you love your big brother!
This last year has been amazing and I can’t wait to see what your second year brings. You and Carson mean the world to us; you are our purpose in life – our everything. Thank you for making our family complete, for making our lives even more exciting and rewarding.
Happy Birthday baby T. We love you forever.
Mommy and Daddy
And because I can't post without is a pic from his newborn session that still makes my heart melt.

And how much he has grown.

And another from his 1 year photo shoot. I love them!! (photos by Anni from