I am so proud of Carson. He really has embraced his new status as a 'big brother' and has been such a big help. He calls him 'baby tyler' which has sort of stuck and now Dan and I refer to him that way too. He loves to come and watch me change his diaper, hand me supplies, hold his bottle, and anything else that goes along with caring for a newborn. Most of all, he wants to hold his hand all the time and it just makes you want to melt. He doesn't really get why tyler sleeps so much or fusses but it doesn't seem to bother him. He is still going to school most of the day during the week so that has been a huge help in keeping his routine while I am home and caring for tyler. Then on the weekends Dan and I just tag team to make sure both boys are happy!
Tyler is definitely growing and filling out and I can already see the leg rolls forming. I really hope he has the same chub that Carson had as a baby, it's just too cute. He is sleeping great too and gives me 2 good stretches of sleep at night and only waking twice to eat right now so I really cannot complain. Maybe the 'i love my sleep' genes were also passed down from Dan to Tyler too. One can only hope to have two great sleepers!
My recovery so far has been GREAT. I am going a little stir crazy being in the house so much since I wasn't supposed to drive or do much until two weeks postpartum which is today so I cannot wait to get out on my own soon. I barely had any pain this time around too but I've been taking it pretty easy so that is probably why.
We have Tyler's two week pediatrician appointment on Thursday so I will report back in on how he's doing on the weight gain and anything else that comes up. Until then, here are a few pics of the boys....
Carson's way of holding hands with Tyler...it's the finger hold I guess!