I don't have much to update and I am super tired since Carson has an awful cold and cough and has been waking up at night and crying out for me to hold him. I am hoping it goes away soon so we can both get some more rest. Zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

my place to ramble about whatever is on my mind with lots of oohing and ahhing over my little loves (and husband of course too)
I just had to update today with this video I took of Carson doing his latest and greatest trick! Our big boy can now get to a sitting position from the ground without any help from us. He's been working on it for quite some time and began by lying on his side as if he was doing side crunches. On Tuesday evening as Dan and I were entertaining him and talking, we looked over in amazement that he was actually up in a sitting position. Blair didn't mention him doing it over the course of the day so it really brought tears to my eyes knowing that he did it for mommy first!
The next morning I asked Blair about it and she said he was sitting up in his crib after his nap but she had no idea how he got that way so she actually didn't witness the act taking place! So now that he has practiced for the last few days, he has become a pro. This is good and bad. Good that we no longer have to help him sit up when he is bored rolling around but bad because it means our baby is growing up. Oh and another bad I can add to the list is that he is so into his new trick that he is doing it each time he wakes up but for some reason it hasn't clicked that he can lie back down and go back to sleep. The same type of thing happened when he began rolling to his belly. He would cry for us to roll him back over until he realized he can do it by himself. Luckily it only happened for 2 nights...knock on wood but he slept like a dream again last night!
Here's a video for your enjoyment. Oh and I know the socks don't match the outfit...I didn't dress him. You all know me better than that! :)