Sunday, March 15, 2009

You know that old saying....

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Well, it is very true in our household. Carson is a mini-Dan and it just cracks me up!!! He is not even 2 and he organizes his toys in colors, size, and in straight lines.

If you know Dan you will know he is very neat and organized and likes things "just so" which ironically is just like me!!
Here is is setting them all up and note that he did this all by himself....

So proud of his accomplishment!

Striking a quick pose for mommy....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A little late but....

we did have snow finally. Not sure why mother nature decided to wait until March to give it to us but it was pretty while it lasted. Here are some pics I took that day since I didn't venture out and worked at home instead.....

Looking out from our front door...

And my dear husband very happily shoveling snow once the sun peeked out!